Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mimi's Chili

This is a good chili for people who don't care for spicy or hot chili (which is everyone in my family, but me).

2 lbs. ground beef
1 large can tomato juice
1 c. water
2 packs Chili seasoning
2 large onions
2 cans dark red kidney beans (optional)

In a large stock pot, start tomato juice, water, beans, and chili seasonings to simmering. While this waits, saute onions in butter until slightly browned. Add onions to pot. Brown ground beef and drain. Add beef. Let this simmer for several hours. The kids will LOVE it, and absolutely insist that you never make you own, hot chili again...

1 comment:

MamaTeeThree said...

Mmmmm... chili...

My first chili recipe when SuperDad and I first got married was so spicy we were afraid it would spontaneously burst into flames. I might have been a little overzealous with the spices.